We arrived in Chicago in the evening and we took a quick cab ride over to our 'fabulous' hotel. Okay, so it wasn't fabulous, it was actually quite the opposite. We stayed at the Howard Johnson on LaSalle and this place was an unfortunate dump. If only I remembered to take pictures.... it was quite a sight! It really could hurt your eyes. OUCH.... they're burning!
Anyway... other than the hotel... everything else was GREAT! We ate, drank and SHOPPED! We strolled Michigan Avenue, ate at my favorite Cheesecake Factory and drank some tasty beverages at PJ Clarkes and Mother's Too. Just to let you know, I almost had to pull out my EASTSIDE fighting ability with the snobby women in the bathroom at PJ Clarkes.... if you want more details... you will just have to ask me! Mother's Too is located in the area of the famous Rush and Division, apparently referred to as the Viagra triangle by the locals. Apparently there are dirty 'old' men trying to pick up young girlies at the bar! Ok... isn't that just hilarious!
I also got to hang with my 'old' friend... yep, I said 'old'... not as far as age, but 'old' referring to the many years we've been friends. In talking, we figured we'd know each other over 30 years.... doesn't that just sound CRAZY! Anyway, it was great to see Brent and hang with him. I forgot what a great time I always had talking to him. You will always know who your true friends are in life and I definitely consider him as one.

All in all it was fun and I would definitely do it again... but I will definitely NOT let anyone make the decision of where I will sleep for the evening ever again. I am WAY TOO anal retentive for that...... FIVE STAR BABY! Pin It